The End of the Line
How To Videotape UFOs In Your Own Backyard!
By John Bro
For over a year now, Martha Brimer and I have been videotaping UFO's over L.A.'s San Fernando Valley. Sound impossible? Check the images in this article. You decide. These have not been random incidents, either. We have been using a remarkably simple technique, that on a clear day, allows us to record UFO's in the skies above us seemingly at will.
What we have noted time and again is that, during the clear daylight, UFO's often align themselves high in the sky in the vicinity of the sun apparently for concealment. Add to this the speed with which they move across the bright sky and the average person would be hard pressed to ever see them. Very few people look up into the bright daytime sky to begin with and certainly, on a sunny day, it is far too intense to maintain that upward gaze for long.
Our technique is remarkably simple. To videotape these unidentified objects, we set up a camcorder on a tripod aimed up into the daylight sky. What about the suns rays damaging the camcorcer? The trick in this technique to use the overhang of a roof or other partition to block out the direct, blinding rays of the sun which could do quick and irreparable damage to the camera.
The angle of the camera lens seems to be critical. We should focus as close to the surface of the sun as possible without allowing any part of it to enter our camera lens. The photographer must also recognize and eliminate any 'sun flare' that occurs when attempting this technique.
Once set up, the telephoto lens of the camcorder should be zoomed out into the bright blue sky to maximum depth. Then, simply turn the camcorder on and let it run. Sometimes we'll let it run for an hour but there is no mandatory time duration. After finishing taping, we take the cassette inside for playback on a vcr connected to a large color monitor.
It is essential that the VCR has the ability to play tapes back at frame-by-frame speed. Begin playing the tape at normal speed. As the eye becomes practiced, you will spot small objects moving across the blue sky very, very quickly. Stop the tape when you notice these movements, back it up, and play it forward at frame-by-frame speed. You may be very , very surprised at what you see. Some are insects. But others are objects of an apparently very different nature (see attached photos).
Not only have we videotaped many UFO's in the vicinity of the sun's corona but we have also taped them at locations in the sky all the way down to the horizon. The corona is simply the best place to start.
It appears that the camera is catching these UFOs at a critical point of reflection. What we may be seeing are primarily smaller craft. If there truly are 'mother ships' that smaller 'scouts' travel back and forth to, I believe these larger ships are stationed relatively still in the blinding brilliance of the sun. What we are seeing are the smaller craft traversing back and forth on their 'missions.'
The amazing freeze frame and enlargement at the left are from footage I took in the late morning during the summer of 1995 in Reseda in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. This craft appeared on only 3 of the 30 frames shot during the one second period it moved across the field of view. The tape has been analyzed by top professionals who determined that the disk is of solid metallic composition and it is moving between 8,000-10,000 miles per hour!...far faster than the human eye can track.
This technique is not limited to just southern California. People across the U.S. have been using it and reporting the same phenomena appearing in their tapes. Unfortunately, the media and most ufologists won't bother to even look, as they feel that they 'know better.'
If you will remember, the mass of sightings in the Mexico City area began most noticably during the solar eclipse of 1991. Many have theorized that the UFO's were somehow 'attached' to the event. In point of fact, the solar eclipse simply gave thousands of people the opportunity to see many of these craft and discover them in the partially darkened daytime skies.
Besides myself, the most noted practitioners of this technique are Martha Brimer of Van Nuys, California, Tim Edwards of Salida, Colorado, and Tom King of Tempe, Arizona. Several of our videotapes have been professionally analyzed and the 'experts' all concur that these objects are real and solid, and that they have considerable mass and speed.
I first designed and diagrammed 'The Technique' on June 29, 1995. Since then, Martha Brimer and I have accumulated dozens of hours of continous UFO activity. Tim Edwards of Colorado and Tom King of Arizona have also done the same in their respective cities.
I have been taped for the television show SIGHTINGS and, along with Martha Brimer, was recently featured on a segment of Hardcopy. Unfortunately, neither of those segments has aired to date. For some unknown reason, the production companies are sitting on this information.
Ironically, I was able to successfully able to reproduce 'The Technique' for both of these shows. One would think that these would be big events for television programs like these. Time will tell. By the way, I have a 100% 'hit rate' when attempting to videotape UFO's on relatively clear days using my technique.
I am currently working with Whitley Strieber on further analysis and public disclosure of my findings. Video stills from me, Martha Brimer, Tim Edwards, and Tom King are currently included on multiple web sites around the Internet. The information is available and samples of of our work are being viewed by people around the world, though seemingly on an "underground" basis.
Please look up the web sites UFO FOLKLORE - (Want to see a UFO?) - OVNI CHAPTERHOUSE - COMMUNION HOMEPAGE - (New UFO Video) - Grander's UFO - SKYWATCH. There you will find multiple examples of these UFO images captured using 'The Technique.'
I am not interested in convincing anyone that this technique works. Try it for yourself. I am simply sharing this information with any who are truly seeking answers to the greatest mystery of all.
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