The End of the Line

Strange Universe Implant Removal Hatchet Job!

By Don Robertson

Strange Universe: WRONG!

My friend, Roger Leir, appeared on the UPN television show Strange Universe on November 11, 1996. He was looking forward to the interview, which appeared on Channel 13 in the Los Angeles area.

"First of all they made overtures to Derrel and I, to come on the show.," Dr. Roger Leir told me on the phone, the day after the show aired in our area. "They asked us to bring various material with us on the implants we removed this year, and last, from five people who had been abducted by aliens. The people from Strange Universe assured us they would discuss the material we brought with us without bias, exactly as we portrayed it to be, to them. We supplied them with documentation, which they photographed , x-ray evidence, which they photographed, and interviews with Derrel and myself."

"Another incentive to do the show for free, was their assurance that we could freely announce the formation of 'FIRST'; the Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology, in hopes of deriving some funding for the organization. Strange Universe agreed to this and said they would put it on the air. They also said Derrel and I would be the only ones appearing on this segment of the program."

"When the airing occurred, last night, we were absolutely shocked! Strange Universe opened the show with Whitley Streiber, talking about an implant he thinks is in his ear. We don't really have any relationship with Whitley Streiber, and were surprised that it was part of this segment, whatsoever."

"The next thing they did was to misstate the facts that we had provided them. They called us both, doctors, after being told at least ten times that Derrel was not a doctor, and then didn't have his occupation right; having told them it was hypno-anethsthesiology. They stated some other perverted form of that title."

"They originally taped me standing in front of an x-ray view box pointing out the objects in both the feet, and the hand case.," said Leir. "When the show aired, they entirely left out anything to do with the objects in the feet, instead showing me explaining the hand case, casting the aspersion that I did the hand surgery, which is untrue. I removed the objects from the feet. I am a Podiatrist."

"In our preshow agreement they said nothing at all to us about having a debunker, or skeptic on the segment, either.," Roger Leir continued. "The aired show featured a Dr. Mandel, who was an obstetrician, that had never seen the scientific data; had never discussed it with us, nor taken time for research. He made statements to the fact that, 'the membrane, for example, that was formed around the objects, can be formed around any foreign object in the human body, laying down fibrin and tissue.' In his words, 'Their research is flawed.' That's the way the show ended!," Roger concluded.

One has to truly question the integrity of a public television show that not only blatantly violates the pretaping agreements between Leir and Sims, and Strange Universe. But the fact that they obviously omitted crucial pictures and data makes me have to wonder who is really pulling the strings and issuing orders at Strange Universe, and indeed, at UPN. It only leads to more credence that the Global Elite control the major media.

I know Dr. Roger Leir and Derrel Sims. They are both extremely dedicated, straightforward men who have amassed a scientific body of evidence on alleged implants taken from abduction experiences. The objects have been analyzed by three different laboratories The ultimate truth lies in that body of evidence. Although some analyses on the alleged alien implants were recently announced by New Mexico Tech., two more tests were ordered. These tests have been delayed due to lack of funding. The final results, from all of the labs, can't be released until these last two tests are complete. This is an extremely important body of work. I urge you to help us complete this research!

(Editor's note: Dr. Leir and Derrel Sims have assembled an amazing, history-making video showing the actual surgical removal of the first three implants from two individuals. The video has a wealth of related material and is available for $28.50 from FIRST, address below)

If you would like to help fund the last two tests and bring forth all the crucial final results, you may send donations to:

Foundation for Interactive Research and Space Technology
1155 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Thousand Oaks, Ca. 91362

Editor's note: If you believe you may have an implant and would like professional counselling at no cost, you may phone Derrel Sims at: 713-446-3005 and leave a message. There is no one with more knowledge in the field of implants and abduction research than Derrel.

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