The End of the Line

National UFO Reporting Center

May 96 Reports

Courtesy of National UFO Reporting Center

5/4/96 5:30 Morris, MI Woman sees delta-shaped ship w/ convex bottom & 3 prominant lights over house. Ilumnats entire yard w/ light beam.Frightened by it.
5/4/96 23:15 Fagle, ID Woman & daughter see very brilliant light w/ "little lights spinning out of it." 1st obj. appears to land, 2nd arrives! Police.
5/5/96 15:10 Cortero, AZ Woman & son gardening see blindingly bright metallic disc in sky. Moves from W to E of them, rises vert. Very visible; NOT an a/c.
5/5/96 20:25 San Bruno, CA Man sees peculiar stationary white light. Green light drops vertically from white light, becomes red, disappears. 1st obj. moves off.
5/5/96 21:45 San Francisco, CA Many repts. of massive "greenish-white" obj. traveling SE to NW, descending. USCG overheard on scanner to use term, "Quicksilver."
5/6/96 22:00 Tampa, FL Man & son witness two bright objects in SSE sky. Very bright, with "ring of light" around one of them. (Possible twinkling stars?)
5/7/96 20:00 Fresno, CA Couple witness "huge black thing" over parking lot in downtown Fresno. Emitted steam or smoke in three directions. Many lights.
5/7/96 21:15 Snelling, CA Couple see large disc in N sky "w/ white, yellow, blue lights going in a circle around it." Larger than clenched fist at arm's length.
5/7/96 21:40 Tempe, AZ Man sees two bright lights moving very strangely. "Too slow to be meteorite, too fast to be satellite."
5/7/96 21:45 Coos Bay, OR Woman hears dogs barking. Sees an "immense, creamy white light," blinking irregularly drop into nearby valley. Light continues.
5/8/96 1:10 Gardena, CA Woman sees an "orange-yellow light w/ long tail." Light suddenly dims, emits smoke, reappears as amber white light.
5/8/96 15:00 Cocoa Beach, FL Young couple witness cluster of 6 objs. over Cape Kennedy. Very high alt. Objs. were shiny, suddenly turn dull black. Move E to W.
5/8/96 22:00 Cle Elum, WA Woman, daughter see "huge piece of machinery w/ gold lights, humming sound," pass overhead. Obj. "glided" over town. Like "disc."
5/9/96 14:15 Phoenix, AZ Woman sees shiny, cigar-shaped obj. hovering in E cloudless sky. VERY bright; hurt eyes. Obj. suddenly turned gray, disappeared.
5/9/96 20:20 Mansfield, TX Young couple witness small light, "like star," pass across sky to E, suddenly disappear. Obj. moved up, accel., trned L, streaked off.
5/9/96 21:23 Macon, GA FAA radar & tower report radar contact/very bright light in NW sky. Robbins AFB radar confirms. (Investigation suggests Venus.)
5/10/96 21:30 Everett, WA Man looking N, sees "line of lights, cascading L to R," streak to N horizon. No sound. No craft visbl.(Very detailed written rept.)
5/12/96 23:00 Santa Cruz, CA Young couple watch very bright light to W over Pacific O. Had "corona effect"; reflected off water. Suddenly disappeared. (Planet?)
5/12/96 23:00 Kelseyville, CA Group of people witness "pinpoint of light w/ spiderweb of light outside center." Obj. ascends, leaves trail behind it, disappears.
5/13/96 20:15 Black Hills, SD Man witnesses bizarre silvery disc, "as long as 2 school buses," hover, then streak away. (Phone line goes dead. No other data.)
5/13/96 22:45 Rochester, NY Man, brother, see bright yellow light hovering over local woods suddenly descend into woods, turn to orange. Sudden flash of light.
5/14/96 21:00 Scottsdale, AZ Man sees "very bright white light, with a trail of light," streak across sky to NW. Bigger than star, distinctly circular in shape.
5/15/96 4:50 Atolicita Hills, CA Woman driving to work sees 2 "really bright white lights, w/ strobing blue, yellow, red lights in center." Stops car; obj. moves off.
5/15/96 6:15 Jacksonville, FL Two fishermen witness very bright obj. pass overhead from SW to NE. Covered 90 deg. of arc in 30 sec., they thought. (Satellite?)
5/15/96 22:05 Bellflower, CA Man sees 2 bright red spheres, "200 yds. apart," streaking W to E along Hwy. 91. Below 1,000' altitude. Both suddenly climbed sharply.
5/17/96 1:30 Miami, Fl Man sees aqua-green obj., with bright orange nose, streak vertically from the night sky. Light visible through clouds. Obj. dims out.
5/18/96 22:30 Hampton, VA Man sees "shooting star" streak across W to E, turn down toward earth, then streak back W. Color and size of star.
5/18/96 23:20 Seattle, WA Group of 6 adults witness a four-cornered obj. in NW sky suddenly erupt into yellow "pieces," which rose into sky, disappear.
5/19/96 Salisbury, MD Woman w/ daughter, friend, MD Patrol officer witness very colorful object in night sky. (Facts unclear; no written rept.)
5/19/96 2:30 Santa Barbara, CA Young woman reports seeing unusual entities on beach. Creatures were clothed in unusual garments. (No written rept. received.)
5/19/96 21:45 Visalia, CA Man & mother witness "point of light" approach an aircraft. Obj. then rose in sky, moved to horizon in 60 seconds.
5/21/96 23:58 Charleston, IL Four youth camping witness big white light, then huge triangular craft w/ 2 red lights on side. Obj. illuminated them with spotlight.
5/22/96 Hilliard, OH Young man witnesses bizarre cluster of red-orange lights to W of house. Heard "whooshing" or vibration. Obj. moved to E, turns blue.
5/22/96 20:30 Venice, Fl Mother, 2 sons driving along wooded road, see huge silver disc. 50-60 yds. in diameter, "pinkish streamers" beside. Totally silent.
5/22/96 22:30 Huntington, WV Man sees very large obj. in sky with "circle of lights" on ventral side. Obj. suddenly "turned on a dime," flies in different dir..
5/23/96 22:30 Rockford, WA Teenage boy and girl witness very bright light overtake their car. Object hovers over neighbor's house, becomes two bright lights.
5/24/96 22:30 Youngstown, OH Man sees round, white light moving at "high speed" to the north. (Telephone suddenly disconnects.)
5/24/96 23:05 Bowie, MD FAA empl., several adults see very bright disc "w/ a dark hole in the middle." 2x diam. of moon. Obj. hovered, suddenly disappeared.
5/26/96 1:55 Ft. Meyers, Fl Woman driving home from shopping sees "subdued white" disc. Obj. suddenly ejects multi-colored sparks in a stream.
5/26/96 18:36 Sullivan, MO Man sees very large obj. in storm clouds during daylight! Obj. suddenly projects visible beam of light down vert., illuminates ground.
5/26/96 22:10 Riverside, CA 3 adults witness low-flying round obj. change shape, direction of flt., and altitude. Obj. stopped, dropped sparks, disappeared.
5/29/96 3:55 Antioch, CA Woman & friend witness "glowing pink, fluorescent, soup-can shaped" object in night sky. Almost size of full moon.
