The End of The Line
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
On March 20, 1997 an initial formal meeting between Star Nations emissaries and members of an Earth representation team was scheduled to take place between 5-7 p.m. at Lomaki site, Wupatki National Monument, Arizona. For privacy and security reasons, the names of the members of the Contact Team are not public at this time. Due to multiple adverse circumstances, the nature of the Meeting was changed, and the completion of its agenda has been temporarily delayed. This memo provides a brief description of difficulties encountered, and of what did take place so far at this preliminary contact. Several members of the Contact Team were harassed and threatened by persons who did not identify themselves but were aware of Team member's identities and of the impending Meeting. These harassments included telephoned threats, too-close tailing vehicles, and in one case, forcing the Team member's car off the road, coming up to his car, and warning him not to come to the Meeting. In addition, the Team received several communications that armed intelligence operatives from a rogue organization had staked out the Landing site, and were keeping it under surveillance. Because of these and other difficulties, several Team members were not at the Meeting site. Two armed National Park rangers, including the Monument's Chief Ranger, made a visible presence, standing nearby next to their security vehicles during the Contact Team's vigil, and provided some measure of protection. The three Team members who were present provide the following report. Following a request from an extraterrestrial communicator, the Meeting site was set out and blessed in accord with Native American spiritual practices. The Contact Team members present stood vigil with initial prayer and meditative attention. All three Team members present had very strong sensations of extraterrestrial presence, but saw no visible figures. Part-way through the vigil, one of the Team members received an extraterrestrial telepathic communication that a visible Landing would be delayed because of security and other reasons, but that a visible manifestation of the Star Nations emissaries presence was being made to a Minnesota auxiliary group of prayer supporters of the Contact. (Subsequently the Team member phoned that group, who confirmed that at that time they saw a glowing diamond-shaped craft with figures inside.) That Team member was advised by the Star Nations communicator that the visible face-to-face portion of the Meeting was delayed, but will occur soon, and that the Team members should be patient. During the final portion of the vigil, Team members noticed a glowing orangish object stationary high in the sky, which one Team member at first thought was the planet Mars, but then reflected that this object had not risen gradually but appeared suddenly. The two Park Rangers and another person standing by them in civilian attire also were staring at the glowing object. After a while, the UFO disappeared from the sky. That same night, one of the Team members received an additional telepathic communication from a Star Nations emissary. She was mentally shown several extraterrestrials poring over physical maps of sections of the Earth's surface. The maps had red lines-of-direction on them. The Team member was told that she was looking at the extraterrestrials' flight plans, and that they were preparing for a massive demonstration of presence by appearing in the skies in great numbers over many parts of the Earth. She was not told the date of this demonstration. Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Email Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Author of: "Close Extraterrestrial Encounters" (1994), "Labored Journey To The Stars" (1996)
and "Project Epiphany" (1997)
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