The End of the Line

Lee Shargel: Applewhite's Heir?

by Wes Thomas
(c) 1997

"Dr." Larry "Lee" Shargel made a guest appearance on the Geraldo TV show April 2, 1997. Here's a report on this bizarre show.

Geraldo starts the show with alien-landing movie clips and says Shargel claims to be Applewhite's heir. (Shargel fidgets nervously, eyes darting around wildly.) Shargel quickly denies it ("You weren't supposed to say, that, Geraldo!" he's probably thinking), but admits he met with Applewhite twice, once two weeks ago, when "eight or nine" of Applewhite's followers came to his bookstore appearance.

A panelist challenges Shargel that he should have warned them. Shargel responds: "I didn't know where this all was leading ... How was I supposed to know it was a cult?" (Audience groans.)

Duh, how about the glassy stares, the identical black outfits, the identical androgenous shaved heads, the identical repressed sheeplike behavior, and the charismatic hypnotic mad leader, for starters?

"What's that you have there?" asks Geraldo, who strangely never brings up Shargel's absurd public statements about alien-dolphin contacts and his fake UFO parts and photos. "Marshall Applewhite wanted me to have this two weeks ago," says Shargel, holding up a model E1 Stannard Energy Chime. "He said this was the chime that created the tone from the next level and he went like that..." (Shargel hits the chime -- an "E" note; that's two notes above "do," by the way, as in the "next level"? Maybe we should call him "mi"? Or was this a mind-control trigger for the remaining HG subjects to be reassigned to their new controller? You figure it out.)

"That was the sound that he took from my book Voice in the Mirror," continues Shargel. "This is the 'gee,' this is the vibration. He thought I had the answer to the prophesy in my book."

OK, "mi," or Lee, or whatever your real name is, let me get this straight: the dolphinoid aliens from the Vega constellation, whom you met in the desert while a "NASA scientist" at China Lake (a Navy test facility, not a NASA facility), told you they would project a tone to the earth on January 23 and we'd all hear it (I must have missed it, sorry) and that it would prevent apocalyptic destruction from neutron beams from another galaxy that wiped out all life on earth 65 million years ago, right? Un huh, I see. (I'm not making this stuff up; I have it on tape.) OK, then you meet this cult leader and some of his zombies, who avidly follow X-Files, Star Trek, and the Art Bell show, where they hear you, a prestigious tool and die mechanic, er, I mean "NASA scientist" say radio astronomers told you the Hale-Bopp comet companion is sending out intelligent radio signals, and later, as the comet with your dolphin ambassadors aboard who are waiting to greet them, comes closest to earth, these 39 people, who have heard a "leading NASA scientist" assure them it's all true, suddenly decide two weeks after your meeting, where you gave them the tone (or was it a signal?), to go for it and beam up. Do I have all that straight?

Gee (pun intended), I would think if I were a parent of one of the murdered I mean suicided cultists and I somehow learned the whole story (not the lame Geraldo/ABC/CBS versions), I'd be pretty darned mad at you and hold you partially responsible, mi. Unless of course you're confusing your story's plot line with reality again?

Perhaps visualizing this possible reaction by enraged parents, Shargel suddenly switches gears and attacks Applewhite: "He's taken Ufology and theology and a bunch of ideologies from around the world, put it in a pot, mixed it all up, and spit it out to his followers as the new cyber-based religion."

Coulda fooled me. That sounds like a perfect description of Shargel's confused mishmash metaphysics, if you've ever heard him speak. So what were Geraldo, Ted, David, and Dan *thinking* when they booked this clown on their shows? Don't they have research departments scanning for things like fraudulent credentials and inconsistent stories? Or were they just following orders? And just who is funding this unemployed mechanic/wannabe scifi writer on his press junkets around the country?

Dear Wes,


I received a phone call from Lee (Larry) Shargel last night from New York. He asked me to fax to him a map of Arizona showing a good place for a UFO to show up and predicted that one would appear on April 7th (probably based on the recent sightings here).

He said that Marshall Applewhite (DO) had seen in his book "Voice in the Mirror" a great prophecy and had passed on his leadership to Lee! Lee is going to make a press announcement today calling all remaining (living) followers to a site in Arizona (I faxed hima map indicating Wupatki National Monument is where the Star Nations said their Star Brothers would land (I really did not want him to do this in Phoenix and he wanted a remote spot)). He says the followers will meet him wherever he designates and then after the big ship appears, he will tell them to all go home to their families.

Lee is the new leader of HEAVEN'S GATE! He said that when the spacecraft appears on April 7th, it will proveto everyone that "they" are there and this will have nothing but a "good result" as he put it. He is flying into Phoenix this Sunday. Do I laugh or cry???

Yours from the Twilight Zone,

Bill Hamilton
