Campaign successes for The End of the Line

The End of the Lines Chris Gorell-Barnes and Charles Clover outside 10 Downing Street

The End of the Line's Chris Gorell-Barnes and Charles Clover outside Number 10

The makers of The End of the Line met with Downing Street officials this morning to outline their campaign, as news of further successes inspired by the film came to light.

Earlier this week The End of the Line launched a campaign to ask China Tang, the restaurant at The Dorchester run by Sir David Tang, not to serve shark fin soup.

We can now report that Sir David has said the restaurant will not be serving the soup.

Conservationist Lord Antony Rufus-Issacs had said that when he ate at China Tang he was offered shark fin soup - which was not on the menu. Having been inspired by The End of the Line, Lord Antony wrote to Sir David to protest.

There followed an angry email exchange between the two which led to a story in Richard Kay’s column in the Daily Mail and the launch of our short-lived, but successful, campaign.

The other piece of good news this week was for bluefin tuna, following the Netherlands’ announcement yesterday that it was backing proposals by Monaco to add the Atlantic bluefin to Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

This came after France and Britain supported the global trade ban on the fish, late last week.

More news on the outcome of The End of the Line’s visit to Downing Street will follow in the coming days and weeks.

  • Bluefin tuna update, 23rd July: Germary has announced that it is supporting the addition of Atlantic bluefin tuna to Appendix I of CITES


6 Responses to “Campaign successes for The End of the Line”

  1. 1 Karim2k

    Well done boys! keep going! any thought for north Africa?

  2. 2 Josh

    Finally, someone on the front line arguing the case!!!
    Well done.

  3. 3 amosa


  4. 4 Gerry

    Brilliant! Well done

  5. 5 Jenna

    Fantastic. Good work.

  6. 6 Justin Owen

    Well done! Saw the film on launch day and have been promoting all news from it to anyone I know or meet. Well done for keeping up the pressure!!

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