Nobu leave bluefin tuna on menu, but add warning

This week saw lots of coverage of Nobu’s decision to leave bluefin tuna on their menus, but to include a suggestion that diners choose a sustainable alternative.

The story featured on The Guardian’s Word of Mouth blog, where Jay Rainer labelled it “indefensible idiocy”.

The Telegraph, The Independent, The Daily Mail and This is London carried the story with all mentioning Charles Clover’s book and the film.

This is London followed up their coverage with an opinion piece by Charles Clover, where he said: “[Nobu]  is participating in the extermination of a species.

“And when his celeb clientele finally understand that this is wrong, they will turn their backs on his restaurants, never to return.”

Coverage of The End of the Line increased with two articles appearing on The Telegraph. It ran a story on Ted Danson’s endorsement of the film and a review, with both including video clips.

A review of the film also appeared on the Empire website where it was given four out of five stars. It says: “For once, the scare tactics work: after seeing this, you’ll never want to eat tuna again. And that’s a good thing.”

Writing on her blog Moms and the Planet, Terra Wellington, says: “THIS FILM IS A MUST-SEE FOR YOU, YOUR FAMILY, AND YOUR FRIENDS IN 2009.

“Do not let this year go by without seeing this film. It will change your life . . . and hopefully inspire you to write your government representatives asking that they pass legislation to protect the oceans.”


4 Responses to “Nobu leave bluefin tuna on menu, but add warning”

  1. 1 Tim Douglas

    We need a sustained campaign. On Twitter send all your contacts a tweet with #NobuNoBlue and a link to the movie ( ask then to retweet RT it. We must bring pressure to bear on Nobu, if we’re serious about this.

  2. 2 Angele

    Surely Nobu is just one of a hundred restaurants. Why do we focus more about Nobu - is it the prices or the clientele?
    After seeing Stephen Fry’s endorsement on Twitter, I will be looking for this movie in theatres.

  3. 3 Pau

    Send Nobu an email, I just did. london at noburestaurants dot com
    In this day and age, this kind of mentality is arrogant, stupid and backwards.
    Nobu might just be one in a hundred, it should serve as an example to others because of its notoriety.

  4. 4 Kayla

    “I think it’s an act of self-robbery to watch films today without understanding where film has come from.”

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