The End of the Line reviews competition

Following the success of the UK and US releases of The End of the Line we want to know what you thought of the film and the campaign, so we are launching a reviews competition.

If you’ve seen the film, what did you think of it? Has it made you re-consider your attitude to seafood?

Were you aware of the vast problems caused by overfishing  - to both life in the ocean and the communities that depend on it - that are happening everyday around the world?

What did you think of the film as a piece of cinema? How did you feel about it as art? Did it work or not?

Did you believe the science, or do you feel it missed areas out? Has it made you want to get involved with the campaign?

We want to know what you thought - so please tell us, whether you loved it or hated it, whether it motivated you or left you cold.

We would like you to write a review of the film and send it to us. We will publish the best ones and offer an as-yet-undisclosed-but-related-to-the-film prize for the best three. Please include your name, location and contact details with your review and send them to .

If you want to know what the rest of the media thinks about The End of the Line, have a look at our reviews round-up.


14 Responses to “The End of the Line reviews competition”

  1. 1 Guillaume Gauthereau

    The End of The Line brings the first very clear understanding of the issue.

    It is the first time that I realize that fish are wild animals like Lions or Elephant. Would you eat an endangered wild animal if you knew it was?

    I believe once you understood this we can understand why changing are eating behavior towards fish is essential and urgent.

    If we don’t do it today, fish will disappeared like other species and nobody wants to be left eating plankton or jellyfish!

  2. 2 L Jodice

    I have not seen the movie, but have viewed the online clips. Prior to seeing the full movie, my impression is that there are some confusing messages in the movie. The public needs to be informed about overfishing, fisheries policy, how management works, and when it doesn’t work. Even for the NGOs and the stakeholders, this is a complex endeavor to understand. However, showing pictures of how fish are killed is inappropriate and demonstrates that you are targeting a different audience than the more intellectual thoughtful individuals. It tells me that you are attempting to attract vegans to your campaign and villanizing fishermen simply for killing fish. The more important message is that some fisheries are now well managed and why, while others are not well managed and why, and what needs to happen to change this? And, consistent with a recent editorial in National Fishermen, the public needs accurate and PRACTICAL information on which fish is sustainably caught and which is not. I am looking forward to seeing the entire movie, but wish you would make it available as a itunes rental.

  3. 3 Elizabeth Healey

    The End of the Line was a great and compelling story of where all the fish went in the sea. In a way it could be heartbreaking but to me it made me more motivated than ever to want to help the ocean! I think every single person on the planet should see it really!!! We need to make massive changes now - so start by seeing this movie and spreading the news!!!

  4. 4 Rebecca

    Thank you for opening my eyes to this issue. You took me on an emotional rollercoaster, the film was at times heartwrenching, beautiful, shocking and motivating.

    You’ve tackled this issue from a scientific and controlled approach rather than preaching and pushing, which made the information much easier to absorb. For too long we as consumers have been happy to be ignorant about where our food has come from. Whilst watching the film it really struck me that human greed has a lot to answer for. At some point in the past we would have only been able to eat local food, but with the power of transport we have now become more and more demanding and the world is suffering as a consequence.

    Hopefully the marketing of this film, in conjuction with the climate change and carbon saving campaigns people will think twice before picking up the cheapest piece of fish and instead take the time to consider what breed the fish is, how it was caught, whether it was from a sustainable source and how far across the world it has come before ending up on this supermarket shelf.

    I had been aware of what Tuna i had bought for a while because of the Dolphins that had been trapped and killed along with them, but as for the rest of it I had no idea. I had regularly bought farmed Salmon thinking that it was more sustainable, how wrong I was! Hearing that it took 5kg of Anchovies to enable 1 Salmon to put on 1kg made me feel ashamed - why had I not cared enough to find this out for myself? How have we ended up in an age where we can no longer trust our own governments to act in our best interests and protect this precious world we live in?

    From now on I will check the label on fish as carefully as I do with chicken (I only eat free range chicken and eggs) and when I eat out I will not be afraid to ask questions to ensure that I am only eating sustainable fish. I still believe the best way to do this would be to buy as local produce as possible.

    Again, thank you for helping me to learn more about this issue - good luck with the rest of your campaign, you have my support and I will be spreading the word!


    P.S. If you need any help with the campaign do let me know, it would great to be involved.

  5. 5 Josh Lines

    I haven’t watched the film but pre ordered a ticket to view it in Exeter,
    After reading the book I haven’t eaten sea food of any kind, as a recent vegetarian I find it confusing that some people can see fish not as animals??
    Can’t wait to see the film.

  6. 6 Kim Hockley

    I thought this film was very insightful and informative, It showed a great range of places and the problems in those places. Claire Lewis was very passionate about this film and answered all our questions well. It would defiantly make me think about where my fish came from when I was buying it and I would encourage others to see this film.

  7. 7 Jamie Greenfield

    I though that “End of the line” was a powerful film that was delivered with great scope and vision. The film brought to light the shocking realisation of the major problem of over fishing and how it will affect our society as a whole if the problem escalates.

    It has definitely changed my view of how I will buy or eat fish. I am now a lot more conscious of the problems this is causing both for the loss of biodiversity in the seas and the huge impact it may have on the human population.

    I would reccomend for anyone who has not seen this film to go and see it straight away, it will change your whole outlook on eating fish.

  8. 8 G Rogers

    This film is an amazing and thought provoking film that I believe will inspire the upcoming generation to act on knowledge learnt and campaign further in order to convert the world to a sustainable future. This film certainly shocks you into the truth, which the previous generation has denied in the past so as to fuel their selfish needs to survive and prosper therefore leaving it to us to make the change and make sure that fish remains a source of food for many future generations to come. Otherwise we are condemning billions of people to starvation and death. The evidence they provide can be breathtaking. This proves that the people have researched well and it really is true that overfishing is one of the main environmental problems of our corrupted world today.

  9. 9 Tanya Moss

    The film opened my eyes to a huge problem which I feel needs to be addressed by all of the public not just the experts and scientists. The politics as well as the science behind the issues interested me and I believe that the more coverage the film get the more enthusiatic and dedicated people will be about the cause. Its not that people don’t care it’s just they are naive about the issue, however the film and the campaign can change this.

  10. 10 Emily Venn

    I found this film an amazing experience, initiative and inspiring. I leant a lot about the increasingly important issue of unsustainable fishing. The film was powering and has inspired me to take action and shop differently from now on. I’m definately going to take my family to see the film at the cinema when it comes out on the 21st as i hope it would also change their opinion and open their eyes to the issue.

  11. 11 Katie Mintram

    This was such as powerful film that really made me think a lot about things that I wouldnt have even considered thinking about before, like where my fish has actually come from and what damage there has been in order to get it. It was really insightful and has really changed my perspective about the oceans.
    I would definitely recommend anyone to watch it.

  12. 12 Megan Whitty

    I thought that this film was really good. It really showed the problems that have arisen recently and problems that have been increasing for the last 50 years. I felt I came away with a much greater knowledge about what is going on and I feel like I can help to make a difference now, even if the actions are only small. The answers that were provided from our questions were confidently and accurately answered, and it was clear that the entire team that created the film were very passionate about it.

  13. 13 James Martin

    “The End of the Line” was innovative anbd thought-provoking. It showed a range of problems and shows that they are not consigned to one species of fish. Nor are they consigned to one area of the world. They affect everyone from the extremely rich to the poor. “The end of the line” provokes many thoughts with its powerful filming techniques, especially of the tuna fishing in the Straits of Gibraltar and the fish being processed on the large trawler. What made it even more powerful, was the use of old footage when times and fishing was better.

  14. 14 William Webb

    I thought that the film was very insightful, and opened my eyes to a problem that should be up there in terms of public knowledge to that of global warming. I feel that after watching the film i now have a much broader knowledge of the plight of fish in the oceans, and that it is up to consumers to change their habits of buying fish as this is the real way that we can make a change. Buying sustainble fish.
    On the whole I thought the film was very informative, and made its point clearly yet in an engaging way. I think that the film is of great importnce to the world and shows that we need to change - before its too late.

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